There are six scholarship programmes offered by IsDB:

  1. Undergraduate  
  2. Master’s
  3. PhD and Post-Doctoral Research Programme
  4. IsDB-ISFD for Technical Vocational Education & Training (TVET) for 21 Least Developed Member Countries (LDMCs):  Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad, Comoros, Djibouti, The Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Niger, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somali, Sudan, Togo, Uganda and Yemen
  5. IsDB-ISFD Bachelor studies for 21 LDMCs as mentioned in No. 4 above
  6. IsDB-The World Academy of Science (TWAS) Joint Programme for Capacity Building and Technology Transfer

The IsDB Scholarship Programme is more than just a scholarship programme in the traditional sense of a straight financial assistance to the outstanding and qualified students.

 It is also a tool for the improvement of the socio-economic conditions of the Member Countries and Muslim communities. 

It is basically a scholarship programme and a development programme at the same time, since the scholarship is given as an interest-free-loan (Qard Hasan) to the students and as a grant to their communities /countries to which they belong.

The students are required to fulfil the obligations detailed, under each programme, after graduation and gainful employment. Besides, the students are also required to take part in the development of their communities/countries, through their respective professions. 

The repaid fund will be used to provide scholarships to other students from the same community/country to complement the IsDB Programme and to ensure its continuity in the long run, while the community development services rendered by the students and graduates will contribute to the overall development of the community/country.

The IsDB also expects its students to play a leading role in assisting the development of their communities/countries. In other words, the IsDB aims to produce Good Citizens and Competent Professionals (GCCPs).

All the above features and measures are linked together in an integrated manner to constitute the basic concepts that characterize the IsDB Scholarship Programme as a “Distinct Community-Oriented Development Programme”.

Schedule of Activities

Every year, the Programme is formally announced (through the IsDB Scholarship Platform) in December, for next September/October intake each year. 


This platform will be bringing all the graduates together through a network for their interaction, professional development and exchange of ideas on implementing new projects leading to economic growth in their countries. Furthermore, this platform will also enable the Bank to reach-out the graduates and invite them to participate, among others, in an annual call for innovation through the Engage Platform and Transform Fund. The winning graduates will receive a start-up funding to translate their innovative ideas into development solution and possible commercialization.