1. Haustoria are produced.
a. By fungi parasitising animal tissues
b. By hypha of obligate parasite
c. In artificial cultures
d. After the hyphae become intercellular
2. The common food stored in fungi is
a. Starch
b. Glycogen
c. Oil
d. Fat
3. Stroma is
a. Compact somatic hyphae with fruit
b. loosely interwoven hyphae
c. a small hyphae branch
d. a group of spores
4. All fungi are
a. Autotrophs
b. Heterotrophs
c. Saprophytes
d. Parasites
5. A sclerotium produced by fungi is
a. an underground structure
b. A hard resting body
c. Mainly food storing organ
d. Easily carried off by wind
6. Somatogamy is the
a. fusion of gametes
b. fusion of vegetable cells
c. contact between two gametes
d.copulation between gametangia
7. Myxomycetous fungi are also called
a. slime molds
b. bread molds
c. black molds
d. blue molds
8 The somatic phase in Myxomycetous
fungus is called
a. hyphae
b. mycelium
c. plasmodium
d. none of the above
9. The zoospore in synchytrium is
a. posteriorly uniflagelated
b. anteriorly uniflagelated
c. anteriorly biflagelated
d. laterly biflgelated
10 The sexual reproduction in lower
fungi is usually
a. planogametic fusion
b. gametangial contact
c. somatogamy
d. gametangial contact
11. Wart disease of potato is caused by
a. Syncytrium endobioticum
b. Alternaria solani
c. Pytophthora infestans
d. Puccinia graminis
12. Which of the following has two types
of sporangia in their life cycle
a. Synchytrium
b. Allomyces
c. Monoblepharis
d. Albugo
13. Motile asexual reproductive bodies are
a. Chlamydospores
b. Zoospores
c. Aplanospores
d. Zygospores
14 The laterally biflagellated zoospores
are usually
a. Pear shaped
b. Kidney shaped
c. Lemon shaped
d. Irregular in shape
15. Plasmodiophora brassica causes a
diseases in crucifers which is known
a. Club root
b. White rust
c. Early blight
d. Late blight
16. The zygote in the life cycle of
Plasmodium is
a. Uniflagelate
b. Biflagellate
c. Inflagelate
d. Quadriflageallate
17. Haustoria’s are produced by
a. fungal parasites of animal
b. intercellular hyphae of obligate
c. fungi growing on artificial media
d. intercellular hyphae of parasitic
18. Which of the follwing disease is
caused by plasmopara?
a. green ear disease of bajra
b. late blight of potato
c. Downy mildew of grapes
d. Damping off of seedlings
19. Damping off of seedling is caused by
a. Albugo candida
b. Pythium debaryanum
c. Sclerospora graminicola
d. Peeronospora parasitica
20 .Albugo candida is an example of
a. obligate parasite
b. obligate saprophyte
c. facultative sapropyte
d. facultative parasite
21. Which of the following causes white
spots on leaves and hypertrophied
floral parts.
a. Phytophthora infestans
b. Albugo candida
c. Pythium debaryanum
d. Sclerospora graminicola
22. In Phytophothra asexual
reproductive bidies behave
a. Conidia
b. Conidiosporangia
c. Sporagia
d. Both conidia and conidiosporangia
23. White rust of crucifers is Pseudorust
a. Because causal organism do not
belong to rust family
b. The colour of pustule is not brown
c. The disease occurs in members of
family cruciferae
d. The disease has not been observed
on wheat
24. The production of two different
types of zoospores is termed as
a. Cogugation
25. Sporangiophores of Plasmopara are
branched at
a. acute angles
b. obtuse angle
c. sparsly branched
d. right angles
26. In Albugo candida conidiosporagia
are produced in
a. Acropetal succession
b. Basipetal succession
c. Longitudinal manner
d. Irregular manner
27. Thick walled resting spores produced
by members of Peronosporales are
a. Oospores
b. Ascopsores
c. Zygospores
d. Zoospores
28. Which of the following is present
both in Rhizopus and Funaria?
a. Mycelium
b. Hyphae
c. Archegoium
d. Spore
29. Heterothalism was discovered by
a. E. J. Buttler
b. J.H. Craigie
c. A.F.Blakeslee
d. H.C. Dube
30. The mycelium is coenocytic in the
a. Mucor
b. Synchytrium
c. Plasmodiophora
d. Physarum

Answer Keys
1 B
2 A
3 A
4 B
5 B
6 B
7 A
8 C
9 A
10 B
11 A
12 A
13 B
14 B
15 A
16 C
17 B
18 C
19 B
20 A
21 B
22 B
23 A
24 D
25 A
26 B
27 A
28 B
29 C
30 A